
Are you interested in effecting long-term change within the South African education system? Do you find yourself wondering about the role you can play in solving a particular challenge within education? Do you want to work for an organisation that prioritises the well-being and professional development of its talent? Then the Jakes Gerwel Fellowship is the right place for you. By joining us, you are committing yourself to an organisation that is changing the face of education in South Africa.

Jakes Gerwel Fellowship

Jakes Gerwel Fellowship is a full university scholarship that provides extensive mentoring and leadership development for top learners with a passion for teaching and education. At the heart of what we do is nurturing expert teachers who embrace innovation and can lead the kind of change that our educational sector so desperately requires. In short, we want to make the strongest possible case and provide the greatest possible support for our best students to become our best teachers.

Founded in 2017, Jakes Gerwel Fellowship is fully funded by Allan Gray Orbis Foundation Endowment Teaching Initiative.


Business Intelligence Specialist

Head of Strategic Communications & Fundraising 

Programme Administrator