Applications for the Graduate Teaching Fellowship are closed and 2024 is the last year for new GTF intake

Graduate Teaching Fellowship

The Jakes Gerwel Fellowship has been tasked with positioning teaching as an aspirational career to improve the quality of education in schools across South Africa.

Launched in 2021, the Graduate Teaching Fellowship (GTF) The GTF is focused on identifying high-impact graduates who have committed to qualifying as a high school teacher in South Africa.

Jakes Gerwel Fellowship

What does the Graduate Teaching Fellowship offer?

The GTF covers onboarded students
the following:

  • Full PGCE tuition, laptop, residence, printing needs which includes a monthly stipend.

  • An intensive reflective and leadership development program as aligned with JGF’s pathways to impact as expert teachers, educational leaders, and social entrepreneurs.

  • A national Community of Practice with focus on individual teaching subjects.

  • Professional and pedagogical coaching as the individual navigates their first years of teaching. 

Is there anything else covered or offered?

Yes, the GTF does not just provide funding opportunity but also includes:

  • A dedicated Teacher Coach for your first two years of teaching. The role of the Teacher Coach is to offer support and guidance as you learn about your teaching profession and the relevant school culture.

  • An opportunity to be mentored by an outstanding teacher identified as a JGF Mentor. This relationship offers guidance, best practice and social assimilation into the teaching profession and teacher identity.

The GTF currently partners with UWC, UCT, Wits, UJ, UP and SU. Each of these universities offer high-quality PGCE programmes which benefit JGF candidates completing the PGCE programme. Any applicant must ensure their own admission to the partner universities as JGF carries no influence in the relevant universities’ selection processes.